There are not so many elephants in our green countryside, or an equivalent to the elephant: in the large animal genre capable of producing more noise than we do. One month a year, there is the deer, whose bellow, a vital barking, crosses the forests.
After the experience in Touraine (and its private forests) in 2020, it is in the state forest of Le Gâvre that we try our luck this year, with the friend Charles Sagnet, climber and sound engineer, just amazed by the possibilities of native binaural.
With the agreement of the ONF and the precious help of Vladimir Tessier, territorial forestry technician, we put a pair of KU in the air, as far as possible from anthropic sound sources. It is of course illusory: the bellowing attracts people, especially on weekends, the straight through roads offer sublime crescendo-decrescendo of thermal engines and the proximity of Nantes, quite a few aerial overflights, inflated by who knows what atmospheric phenomena.
The deer are moving, of course: at this stage of scouting, we would have to grid the forest with a dozen systems to hope to “fish” for proximity. We have four for this exploration and start small.
The humans eventually go to sleep and around 1am, the deer find a more or less complete sound space. In this excerpt, the animals are still far away, the preamplification gain is high (about 75 dB), at the limits of the usual signal-to-noise ratio of our productions, but how beautiful it is, these dinosaurs in the forest reverberation!